Play Sudoku Online

Our Online Sudoku Player is the perfect way to stay entertained and sharpen your mind. With four different difficulty levels to choose from, there's a puzzle for everyone. And if you're new to Sudoku, our easy mode is the perfect way to get started.

Font Style:
Puzzle #: Leave blank for a random puzzle
Generate New

Select a number first and then click on the puzzle cell to apply it.

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9

Check Solution

How to play Sudoku online?

To play Sudoku online, follow the instructions below:

  1. Select the Grid: 4×4 or 9×9.
  2. Choose the difficulty level: Easy, Medium, Difficult, Extreme or Evil.
  3. Set the font to Sans Serif or Sans
  4. Next field is optional. You can set the Puzzle# to say 3 to repeat the same puzzle. Or just leave it empty to generate different random puzzles.
  5. You also have the options to generate the shaded cells as well as see the solutions right on the screen.
  6. Once you have adjusted all the settings, click on the blue “Generate New” button.
  7. To start playing and filling in the numbers, click on the numbers on the right hand side and then click on the cell where you want it filled in. To remove the number, click on the eraser button.