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Cross Sudoku Puzzles
Cross Sudoku is a variant of the classic Sudoku puzzle that involves more complexity and challenge due to its structure. It consists of five standard 9x9 Sudoku grids arranged in such a way that they intersect at one common grid, forming a giant cross-like structure.
The central grid is shared among all the other four, which are placed on each side (top, bottom, left, and right) of it.
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Cross Sudoku - Easy - 4
Cross Sudoku - Easy - 5
Cross Sudoku - Easy - 3
Cross Sudoku - Easy - 2
Cross Sudoku - Easy - 1
Cross Sudoku - Medium - 8
Cross Sudoku - Medium - 2
Cross Sudoku - Hard - 6
Cross Sudoku - Hard - 5
Cross Sudoku - Medium - 4
Cross Sudoku - Hard - 4
Cross Sudoku - Hard - 3
Cross Sudoku - Medium - 10
Cross Sudoku - Easy - 10
Cross Sudoku - Hard - 2
Structure and Layout
Cross Sudoku is made up of five intersection 9x9 grids. These grids are:
- Central Grid: Shared by the other four grids.
- Top Grid: Positioned above the central grid.
- Bottom Grid: Positioned below the central grid.
- Left Grid: Positioned to the left of the central grid.
- Right Grid: Positioned to the right of the central grid.
Intersections: The central grid intersects with each of the four surrounding grids at a 3x3 sub-grid. These intersections create a complex interplay between the grids, as numbers placed in the central grid affect all four surrounding grids.
- Standard Sudoku Rules: Each individual 9x9 grid must adhere to the standard Sudoku rules, where each row, column, and 3x3 sub-grid must contain all numbers from 1 to 9 without repetition.
- Shared Central Grid: The central 9x9 grid acts as a common area for all four surrounding grids. Numbers placed in the intersecting sub-grids must satisfy the Sudoku conditions for both the central grid and the intersecting grid.
How to Play Cross Sudoku
- Start with the Central Grid: Begin by solving the central grid, as it will provide the foundation for solving the other four grids. Focus on the intersecting sub-grids to establish numbers that will influence the surrounding grids.
- Expand to Surrounding Grids: Once you have a good start on the central grid, begin solving the top, bottom, left, and right grids. Use the numbers already placed in the central grid to help determine possible placements in the surrounding grids.
- Cross-Referencing: Continuously cross-reference between the central grid and each of the surrounding grids. Ensure that any number placed respects the rules of both the individual grid and the intersecting sub-grids.
- Iterate and Adjust: Be prepared to iterate between grids. Placing a number in one grid can provide clues and constraints for numbers in another grid, so you may need to adjust your placements as you gather more information.
Tips for Success
- Logical Deductions: Use logical deduction strategies such as elimination, scanning, and cross-hatching to narrow down the possibilities for each cell.
- Pencil Marks: Use pencil marks to note possible numbers in cells, especially where the grids intersect. This helps in visualizing potential conflicts and solutions.
- Focus on Intersections: Pay special attention to the intersecting sub-grids as these areas affect multiple grids and can provide critical clues for solving the puzzle.
- Iterate Methodically: Approach solving methodically, moving between grids and iteratively refining placements to ensure compliance with all Sudoku rules.
Cross Sudoku adds an exciting layer of complexity to the classic Sudoku puzzle, offering a challenging and rewarding experience for enthusiasts. The intersecting grids require solvers to think beyond individual grids and consider the broader implications of their placements, making for a uniquely engaging puzzle.