Tripod Sudoku Puzzles

Tripod Sudoku is a Sudoku variant where the grid is divided into undefined regions called tripods. Each digit from 1 to 9 must appear exactly once in each row, column, and region. The intersections of three lines, where the regions meet, are provided, and there are no points where four lines intersect. This puzzle can be solved and created in sizes ranging from 4x4 to 8x8.

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Tripod Sudoku is a puzzle that combines the logic of Sudoku with an extra twist. Here's a breakdown how it works:

Grid and Numbers:

  • The grid can be of any size, but common variations are 5x5, 7x7, or 8x8.
  • You need to fill each cell in the grid with a number from 1 up to the size of the grid (e.g., for a 5x5 grid, use numbers 1 to 5).

Basic Sudoku Rules Apply:

  • Just like regular Sudoku, each number can appear only once in every row and every column.

The Challenge: Regions

  • Unlike regular Sudoku where the boxes (3x3 grids) are pre-defined, Tripod Sudoku hides the region boundaries.
  • Your job is to figure out these regions while filling the grid.
  • Regions are similar to boxes in Sudoku - each number can appear only once within a region.

Tripod Clues:

  • The key to solving the puzzle lies in the "tripods" marked on the grid.
  • These tripods are dots where three lines meet, indicating the intersection of three regions.
  • There will never be a point where four lines meet, forming a "quad-pod."


  • The objective is to fill the entire grid with numbers and define the regions by strategically placing lines between cells, following the rules:
    • Lines cannot create a four-way intersection.
    • Lines can only be drawn between empty cells.
    • Filling a cell with a number and the existing tripods will guide you on where to place the lines to form valid regions.

Tripod Sudoku adds a layer of complexity to regular Sudoku by making you solve for both the placements of numbers and the borders of the regions. It's a great puzzle for those who enjoy the logical thinking challenges of Sudoku but want something a bit more twisty.