Medium Rossini Sudoku Puzzles

Rossini Sudoku is a unique variation on traditional Sudoku. Rossini Sudoku includes small arrows or indicators between some cells in a row or column. These arrows point left, right, up, or down, and each clue provides a comparative hint about the numbers in the adjacent cells.

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Just like in a traditional Sudoku puzzle, each row, column, and 3x3 subgrid (in a 9x9 grid) must contain the numbers 1 through 9 without any repetition.

The arrows outside the grid indicate that the nearest three digits in the corresponding direction are in ascending or descending order (the highest
number is always in the direction of the arrow). All possible arrows are given, so if there is no arrow, the first three digits do not form an increasing sequence in either direction.

For example, if there is an arrow pointing from cell A to cell B (like an arrow from left to right), then the number in cell A must be smaller than the number in cell B (A < B). Conversely, if the arrow points from B to A, the number in cell A must be greater than the number in cell B (A > B).

Rossini Sudoku puzzles vary widely in difficulty, from beginner-friendly versions with few arrows to highly challenging puzzles with many directional clues. This type of puzzle is popular among those who enjoy logic puzzles and are looking for a more intricate variation of classic Sudoku.